Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Coffee Keeps Me Away from Cookies

I get made fun of for my Starbucks addiction.  But it's not really a Starbucks thing so much as a good coffee thing.  You see, I can nurse a good cup of coffee with a little cream and Splenda, all morning.  That means I am not constantly stuffing my face with something inappropriate.

In fact, this was one of the tricks I used last time I lost a lot of weight.  I am thrilled to say, without much thought, I picked up the habit again.  So, I have had my multi-grain oatmeal and now I am having my coffee.  I will be good to go until about 11 when I will need a snack, it will be an apple.  Then I will be able to get through until lunch time.

I have to do this, my knees hurt and it's getting harder to breath when doing the stairs.  That's not o.k., give me some more coffee.

Yours in health,

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