Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pushing the Knee

I met with Kristi at the YMCA Healthy Living Center for physical therapy today.  She took me upstairs to try my knee on the bike.  I was surprised it was relatively pain free.  Then we tried some other exercises.  One of the ones that really pushed my luck was standing on one leg on a balance disc.  My hips are so twisted that to have the least amount of pain in my knee, I had to stand sort of sideways. 

Kristi believes my hips are a big part of the problem.  The way they align, when I lay down my feet go out to the side instead of staying straight up and down, like normal people.  She did a lot of stretches and realigning to work on that.  One area that stretched as well was my left calf, which has also become a problem.  She said that is because it's trying to make up for the weakness in my knee.  It's a busy place in my left leg. LOL.

After I was done with PT it was on to the pool for a workout.  You wouldn't believe the amount of effort it takes to move weights through water or do crunches in the water.  It's pretty cool and by the time I am done I know I have worked out. 

Yours in Health,

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