Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Trying Not to Fall Off a Mountain of Brownies

Birthday week is over.  All the treats that needed to be had, have been had.  I decided as I landed back at my office yesterday that I would once again be leaving sugar behind.  It is still making me a bit queasy anyway, but somehow I was able to put it aside while celebrating.

Yesterday morning though, I faced my first mountain - a pile of brownies almost a foot tall.  Brownies - my ultimate weakness.

I made the corner to grab a cup of coffee in the break room and there they were.  They looked perfect - deep dark chocolate with the crackled tops and chewy tendency.  OMG.

But instead of caving to my lesser instincts, I grabbed my mug and walked away, knowing full well that within minutes they would be grabbed up by people without the same issues I harbor.  Or at least without a goal to be healthier.

So, yea for me!  And on to the food challenges I will undoubtedly need to face today.

Yours in Health,

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