Tuesday, May 20, 2008

From the Beginning... Reboot

Tip of the day: We all wander off the path we want to be on whether it's our food or our exercise - Don't be afraid to reboot.

Last week I rode my bike to work all week as part of "Bike to Work" Week. It was great, I used very little gas, saved money and started everyday with a little workout. It also meant only two trips to the gym in a seven day period. While I ran, biked, walked, did some light weights and core at home, mostly I went without training my muscles.

By Sunday, when I went back, I felt sluggish getting started. But I hit it hard and vowed to reboot my weight routine this week. I did the same yesterday and I will go again today. The key is, I didn't throw away all my successes so far and coast, I rebooted and got back at it.

I have done the same thing after a day laced with sugar or fat. You just have to put that behind you and move forward. If you have been struggling, I encourage you to reboot. Not only will you get back on track, but you will feel empowered that you did it all by yourself. If you are keeping track at home - that's real self-respect.
Yours in fitness, Kate


  1. I think that with pretty much everything, adaptability is key. People, places, events, ourselves will throw us off track sometimes. It's ok as long as we recognize that, work with it and get back to it. I don't think I've had two weeks in a row where I was "perfect", which is what I thought this journey required. Clearly it doesn't, and I now look forward to the challenge of working a healthy routine into my everyday life.

  2. You are right. The funny thing is between the six month mark and the 14 month mark I had many "perfect" weeks. Now, I am 'bad' far too often. But you are right, it's a process and we have to be adaptable.
