Thursday, December 6, 2007


Well, trainer Traci yesterday had warned me, she was gonna make me sore. This of course stems from the fact that I recover much better than I used to. So now, even after the hardest workout, I might be slightly sore the next day, but I barely notice. She, being a trainer, took that as a challenge.

So we were working away yesterday and it was hard, but I am not afraid of pushing myself, when a band I was using gave way. It snapped my body in kind of a wave motion and all of the pain landed in my lower right back. And it was searing.

Of course, I decided to "walk it off" - something I tried once with a shredded ACL, but alas, that story is for another time. I was able to go back to my workout, though not that move. The only thing that bothered me was crunches on the ball with my feet on the wall, so we finished up with my feet on the floor.

Last night it was a warming pack and ibuprofen, same today. But now, 24 hours later, the spot is officially sore. I expect a lot of that stems from the fact that I have spent way too much time updating websites while sitting at my desk.

Alas, between the ouchiness (a 4 year old word) and the weather (I probably shouldn't traverse the freeway anyway, we've had about 4 inches of snow so far) I am skipping a workout today. It makes me very sad, I do NOT like to go a day without.

Reality is though, if I give my back a day of rest, I can probably get right back at it tomorrow. That's good, I am set to be with trainer Traci and I think she's going to try to make me sore again - in a good way this time.

Yours in fitness, Kate

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