Friday, December 21, 2007

Traci's Tips - 12/21/07

Trainer Traci is headed out on the road for the holiday, but she sent her tips before she left:

-Clean your house! This helps increase self-esteem and decreases stress.
-Add some fresh flowers to your home. Helps decrease anxiousness & increases happiness.
-DANCE!!! To your favorite songs for 15 minutes and burn 112 calories.
-Adds weights to your routine because stronger muscles equals stronger bones!!
-Exercise: *Physioball push-ups 4 x 15
*Bridges 4 x 30 sec

I am running shirt on time today because I haven't done a lick of Christmas shopping. (We got paid today.) So I am off and running. I promise you a final side dish recipe tomorrow.

And if you are wondering, yes, I worked out with Traci this morning - I will ALWAYS make time for that.

Yours in fitness, Kate

1 comment:

  1. The house cleaning one is the best tip ever! Nothing depresses me more than a dirty house. And it's totally good exercise when you combine it with the dancing one.
