I was busy today, apparently far too busy. When I went for my run tonight I paid the price.
It was only 85, but high humidity, so I started sweating almost immediately. I was about a mile and a half in to the run and I started to notice I felt funny. By the end of the second mile, I knew I was in trouble. Thankfully I had kept pretty close to where I had parked my car, so I slowed to a fast walk and made my way back.
By the time I threw myself into the car, I was quite clear on what was wrong, I was dehydrated. The thing is, I have worked out in much hotter weather and worked much harder for that matter and not had a problem. Today though, I had been busy and really slacked off on my water intake. Normally by the time I hit the road I have consumed at least 12 glasses of water, plus I will down another 16-20 ounces about 30-40 minutes before hand.
I looked back over today and if I drank 10 glasses, including the one I took in about an hour before my run, I am lucky. And, I hadn't packed water for after the workout, because I planned to head straight for Panera, where I planned to eat, just two blocks away. Normally not a problem.
Actually, I am lucky. Lucky I didn't pass out or end up even more incoherent than I did or worse yet, wreck my car. That's right, I was so out of it, I came up with the idea of driving down the street to said Panera. I made it safely, got out to stagger in to get water, locked the car, shut the car door and promptly realized the key to that door was sitting inside the change dish in my car.
That's right, I was so far gone, I locked myself out. Upside? I had grabbed my purse and could still buy water and dinner, plus an old water bottle to fill in the sink in the bathroom. (That way I could have some warmer water to start rehydrating more quickly, because I could take in more. Proof that my brain wasn't completely fried.) Downside? I had also locked my cell phone in the car and I had a meeting at 7.
I wandered in, filled the bottle in the bathroom sink, downed it, filled it again. Half way through the second bottle I found my sense of taste and threw out the rest of the West Des Moines tap and headed inside to order my dinner. (And more water.)
But first I figured I had better call for help on the locked car situation. The young lady, who offered kindly to help me with my order, gets my sad tale told to her as I drip sweat on the counter. She is very nice and offers what would become unlimited use of their phone.
My first call, as always, was to Lori. No answer, I left her a message. I tried my mom, she said she didn't think they had an extra key to my car, but I should call my step-dad Bruce. I think I am calling Bruce, but still out of it, I call Gordon. He says he will come get me. But surprisingly, before I agree to this, I realize that will only get me so far, because the house keys are also locked in my car. I promise to call him if I remain stranded. This time I really call Bruce and he informs me, no shocker, they do not have an extra set of my keys.
Okay, back to Lori, still no answer. I decide to breathe and get more water in me. I head over and another friendly Panera employee helps me get my dinner. (I sweat on his counter too.) I go sit down and plot to use the phone again in 10 minutes to continue my hunt for Lori. While I am eating and drinking God's gift - water - I start freezing from the dehydration and the air conditioning cooling my apparently unstoppable perspiration.
Well - to finish the story quickly - because I could go on as it continues, with more dialing and waiting and sweating.
I found Lori, she brought my extra keys (furthering her application for sainthood), I bought her dinner for her trouble and I was able to make my 7:00 meeting somehow. Another highlight, by the way, Gordon was extra sweet and called Panera to make sure things were getting handled, he's so great.
So, if you needed any other motivation to stay hydrated when losing weight and working out, I hope I have just supplied it. Because believe me, on this end, lesson learned.
Best always, Ms_H
Weight - 166 pounds (Yes, I lost 2 more!)
PS - I will be making a plethora of extra keys to sprinkle among my family tomorrow.