Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The First Holiday of the Season

O.K., for those that do not subscribe to the Better Homes and Gardens philosophy that there are actually 100 days of holidays - which start in anticipation of Halloween - Thursday is a day you are staring at with dread.


It's the one holiday each year, that in theory, every American can celebrate together because their is no one race or religion tied to it. It's simply a chance to be grateful for all you have - family, friends, shelter, food. The last one is where the hang-up starts. Americans on this day, more than any other, feel that they can indulge.

"It's just this one day, just this one meal."

That's a lovely theory. But it's just this one... cookie, meal, day, week... (ad nausea) that put my butt at 260 pounds. I had the brilliant ability to be able to justify anything - for one moment - and that's all it takes. It's takes just a second to knock down that oversize fudge brownie (hey, I didn't cut it), third helping of mashed potatoes (well, there was just a little left, why waste them?) or decide not to take that walk (it's a holiday, everyone deserves a break).

Meanwhile, take it from me, once you stop justifying, it takes a heck of a lot longer to get rid of the just ones.

So remember a national holiday is just like every other day. You treat yourself on other days, but you don't go overboard. So instead of taking a holiday from sense too, know this - every day is just one day.

O.K., off my apple box and off to Fitness World West. One day at a time.

Yours in health, Kate


  1. This is when I miss holidays with my mom, who isn't a great cook and is always on everyone about their weight and food choices. It wasn't really possible to pig out like lots of families do. I never thought I'd think of that fondly.

    I've been considering my turkey day strategy and that's progress in and of itself. I will eat reasonable amounts of dishes I love. I will get a workout in. I will not make choices that cause me to beat myself up. I will not make up reasons to beat myself up.

    I'd wish you luck on making good choices but you don't need luck. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Oh, that is awful, I am so sorry.

    But tomorrow we can battle this demon together.

    My only problem is that my gym is not open at all. These people who think they need to spend time with family! Sheesh!
