Friday, November 30, 2007

Traci's Tips - 11/30/07

After I let her take a week off for family and Thanksgiving last week... ;) Trainer Traci is back with tips this week:

1. Stretching is very important for making your body more limber and less sore. Be sure to add in a stretching routine to your regular workout.

2. For beginners - starting a walking routine can help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, increase cardiovascular endureance, bone strength and burn calories to keep weight down.

3. Try cutting 100-200 calories out of your diet everyday for a year and you will lose 10-20 lbs without working out. Now just think if you were working out 5 times a week how much quicker you would see those results!

4. When doing your resistance training be sure to have "proud Posture" in other words don't slouch! Keep your shoulders back and down and stick out that chest a little!

5. Exercises of the week: 4 x 15
Squats/Leg Press

Thanks Traci!

Yours in fitness, Kate

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