Monday, December 14, 2009

You Snow, it's best to have a good sense of humor...

Last week's snow storm snarled Des Moines and caused many to break their backs shoveling.  Including my Saint-of-a-Brother Gordon.  He went to our house when we weren't home and used a snow blower and shovel to clear our walks on our corner lot, our drive and around my housemate Lori's care - he is AWESOME personified. 

My only adventures were driving in the white stuff as I had to work long hours every day affected by the storm.  I didn't get a snow-induced workout.  However, on Friday it was time to shoot the cover for the January/ February issue of Intuition and it was fun.

Kari, the photographer, our model Christine Comito all tromped behind the Art Center to find virgin snow for our shot.  Trudging along seemed hard at first and I was easily winded, not a surprise since I haven't worked out since March.  But it was actually fun and made me feel good afterward.  BTW - Christine was a great sport, you'll see why when you see the cover!

The only thing I will say is that the colder weather has made my knee pretty angry.  That won't stop me from making the most of my upcoming vacation at Disney World with the family.  That starts Wednesday morning as we leave at 6 a.m. on a flight out of Des Moines International.  I'll keep you updated.

Yours in health,

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