Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Naked Truth

I read in some fitness magazine that when going through a weight loss regimen you should periodically look at yourself in the mirror - in your birthday suit. Urgh.

The very thought revolted me. Trying on clothes at a store dressing room was the only time my morbidly obese butt had found its way in front of a mirror in the past 15 years. And of course that was out of necessity. When I would catch sight of myself I was mortified. How could that be me? More than once I found myself flush with anger, silent tears running down my cheeks as my self-loathing increased.

Now, some skinny chick who thinks that being 15 pounds overweight is a test of the soul, wants me to get naked and look directly at my body because it will motivate me? Fat chance - literally.

Until today. My roomie was not home and I had 15 minutes to myself for the first time in recent memory. So, I did it. I stood before my makeshift full-length mirror in the dining room stripped to nothing in front of God and my cats. (Poor cats.) And I was startled. Not in a bad way, but in a surprising way.

My body has changed.

Now I admit I should known this, considering I have lost 65 pounds. But mentally I have been stuck at 260. Seeing the changes in my body, sans clothes, was empowering. I am beginning to see my collar bones, I have a neck again, my shoulders look like they belong to a woman - not a linebacker.

Was it all positive? Uh, no. I got a first hand education in how skin and breasts can sag when you lose a lot of weight. I had to stare at my continued shelf butt and enormous belly. Yes, both are smaller, but damn it anyway, they're still there.

So, I hate to have to type these words but, the skinny sister was right, it helped. I am now clear on what is going on with my body - and what isn't. I am losing weight and things are shifting. But a major area, my middle, is moving as slow as lava after a blast of arctic air.

What effect does this have on my weight loss plan? In the end, I think my disrobing has helped endorse the campaign by my good sense to reinstate a workout regime. Because I don't think the middle ground is going to alter without some aerobic activity. Even my body is playing politics now. Being from Iowa the next thing you know my thighs and calves will get together to caucus on the benefits of weight lifting. But I digress.

And so it comes to pass that I am going to encourage you to get naked too. If you are just starting to lose weight it will help you know the enemy. If you are at your midpoint like me, it will give you a chance to pat yourself on the back. And if you are near the maintenance stage (there really is no end, this is for life remember) then you can see how far you have come.

Best always, Ms_H
Weight - 195

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