Monday, November 8, 2010

ActivTrax, a New Tool for the Y

The YMCA Healthy Living Center has added a new benefit for members - ActivTrax.  It's like having a computerized personal trainer.

My trainer Gwyn helped guide me through baseline tests to see where my fitness was, then we entered it in the system.  From there the software extrapolates what my workouts should look like.  Now I can use the prepared workouts when Gwyn is out of town.  Or like I did yesterday - I still can't put my head underwater and decided it was a sign to try it out.

I was able to not only print the workout at the kiosk, but there were a couple of moves I didn't recognize by name, so I was able to print out pictures and instructions.  It's really pretty sweet.  I am hoping to really take my workouts (on non-Gwyn days) to a new level.

Here's a link to their website.  You can't really dig too deeply without a sign-in, but it gives you an idea.  I haven't been able to look at the nutrition section, because it's not set up for me yet, but I am interested in what that has to offer too.

Every new tool gives me higher hopes and better results.

Yours in Health,


  1. Gwyn is your trainer? You are in good hands! I love Gwyn, she rocks (and kicks my butt!) They also have ActivTrax at the Walnut Creek Y.

  2. Yes, Gwyn is awesome! She really drilled me today. :) Thanks for the WC info. Gwyn also said they have it at the Waukee Y.
