Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I wish I were in Arizona, plateaus there are lovely, scenic and inspiring. But the one I am standing on is a number - 183 - and it's frustrating and ugly.

I weighed in this morning and for the third week in a row 183 appeared on my scale. I even did that thing you do when you are just sure the scale can't be right, I weighed in three times. No difference, 183. Every time I type the number I get more disgusted.

So, I am a pro-active girl and I love to fix things. To Google then to research...

I have come back with a conclusion, something is off. Every article talks about reducing your calories or increasing your workouts to break the plateau. I am already between 12-1300 calories, any lower and my body will really slow down. As for workouts, this last few weeks, as I have remained at the same weight, I HAVE increased the frequency and intensity of my sweat sessions. I am at a loss.

I have calls in to a nutritionist and my doctor. If I could afford a gym, I would have one in to my trainer too.

This whole thing, along with working ungodly hours right now, has me all droopy. Plus, it is raining, so a walk/run with my new bra is out, urk. I am going to go work on my core for a few minutes before I wake my nephew, maybe that will help. Hopefully it will clear off after I take him to his mom and I can hit the road.

Plateau be damned, I will do this.

Best always, Ms_H
Weight - 183 pounds (urgh)

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