Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's Birthday Season - Again

My family has four birthday seasons.  Ah, cake.  We have several birthday in March/April, July, August/September and December - that's a lot of cake.

Today we are celebrating my mom's birthday.  I don't know if there will be cake.  Part of me says, "yes, yum, caaaaake..." and then another part of me says, "um, no more sugar please."  Sugar and I haven't been hanging as much lately and when we have, it doesn't really agree with me.  It has been making my tummy ache.  In fact, since the prednisone incident, all food has been a bit of a problem.  Which has a good side - I am eating less.

But back to birthday season...  cake is like anything else in life, anything in moderation (except lard).  Have you noticed though that cake isn't alone in the birthday celebration?  There is usually a meal and, because it's a special occasion, fat must be o.k.  And naturally, more than one group wants to help celebrate this special day, so there's more than one of these eating rituals.

Therefore it's time to dance.  Tripping along the fine line between being festive and being gluttonous.  If you have any good tips on treading lightly, please share, I know EVERYONE, wants to learn a new trick applicable to this holiday and all of the others.

Yours in Health,

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