Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Kate Monster

Went to "Avenue Q" last night at the Civic Center. It was one of the funniest (and naughtiest - two words, I coined this myself - "puppet sutra".) things I have seen in a long time. There is a character named "Kate Monster" who bears a bit of a resemblence to me. It is now my new nickname at work because half of the building was there as well.

None of them realize the part that really hits home, about struggling to find a guy to date. (But that's a full-on blog at a later date.)

Before the show, I ran into one of my best girlfriends who I haven't seen in months. We're both apparently very busy. :) It was wonderful to see her, but at first she didn't recognize me and that was even more wonderful.

Linda and I have known each other for ten years, so I didn't think twice about walking up and putting my arm around her. She looked over, startled and just stared. I smiled thinking I was just surprising her by being there. She told me the truth was, she was trying to place my face! That was a surreal moment. One of my dearest friends had to take a long beat for me to be familiar, I never saw that coming.

I was one happy monster.

Yours in health, Kate

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