Saturday, November 24, 2007


I went to workout with Traci the trainer last night at Fitness World West. I was fully recovered by then from my gluttony, so it was time to move onward.

I hit the cardio hard before I met up with her and then we killed on weights. She says my triceps are really starting to pop when I am pumping. I have yet to see them in a mirror at the right time, but I know she's not me.

I really love working out. A lot of days when I get to the gym, I have been up and going for 12 hours, so I am dragging a bit. I never fail to walk out feeling better. The days I work with Traci I not only leave with more energy, but feeling empowered.

When I started with her 3 months ago I was pretty fit. But doing 10 sit-ups or 5 push-ups about put me under. Yesterday I did 3 sets of 15 full sit-ups, to each side, with twist. Today I did 2 sets of 10 push-ups (in the manly way).

Never mind the 180-270 crunches per session she has me do. Plus now, on my own, I put crunches between bouts of cardio. Traci pushes me hard and now that I am so much more fit, I push me hard too. It's awesome!

I can't thank Traci enough. She works hard for me three times a week. From preparing my workout to trying out new moves to make sure they work to putting me through my paces, she's there and I am grateful.

Yours in Fitness, Kate

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