Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Working Away...

I'm finally going to leave work.  I still need to go home and edit a couple of stories for the next Intuition Magazine, but I now have everything at a workable level.  The next few days will be about fine tuning what we have.  Oh and doing my column.

I am not putting it off for bad reasons this time - not wanting to confess just how out of control my weight and life had become.  Instead, I feel a little overwhelmed that so many good things are happening.  Fighting myself on how to fit everything in 250 words.  But then, I suppose that's what the blog is for, I have endless room to ramble.  (Though I do try to keep that to a minimum.)

Today was busy.  I have been in and out of meetings, doing air shifts, had physical therapy and a personal training session... and I could go on, but I am making myself even more tired.

Good news on the physical therapy front, I feel like my knee is making progress.  In fact, it's faring very well considering what I am putting it through.  Physical Therapist Kristi was pleased and gave me another exercise to do at home.  We also did water therapy again, that really is awesome.

My session with Personal Trainer Gwyn went well too.  It was upper body today.  I really do enjoy working on my core.  I had kind of forgotten that.  I am looking forward to seeing them again after I have finished removing all of my beloved brownies or rather, what they have created.  :)

Well, as I mentioned, I am tired and dinner is calling.  Have a good night.

Yours in Health,

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