Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Inspiration - 3/16/08

This article hits kind of close to home for me. It's about the offices of Warren County government. Their whole group is doing Lighten Up Iowa together. That's inspirational to me, because slowly but surely, people in my office have been making changes as well. Here's the article.

In our office I have recently cajoled the vending company into putting a couple of healthier options into the vending machine. There is still massive room for improvement, but nothing changes overnight when you have 65 very different people working together. So, I will take the baby steps and look for more chances to help those who want to help themselves.

One way is the re-introduction of the Des Moines Radio Group Walking Club. I hope with the number of people making improvements we will be bigger and better this year. And I think I am going to offer it on Monday and Wednesday, twice a day - once at noon and once at 5:30. That should also increase the numbers of people able to get healthy.

Hope your office is getting on board with better choices. Because believe me, it's easier to fight of the sinful stuff if you have someone there for support.

Yours in health, Kate

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