Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's been a long week


I just got on here to post and see I haven't done so since Wednesday! That kind of speaks to my week. I was incredibly busy at work and trying to throw in workouts and I even did something fun one night. But that doesn't excuse neglecting this, so sorry.

Thursday - The day got away from me and that includes food. I don't remember for sure, but I might have had five minutes to post something but was too ashamed. I have been stressing a lot at work with multiple projects due and covering for other people and I had a visit from my evil sugar loving twin Luci who was more than happy to help.

Luci, if you didn't know, is short for Lucifer, she is my devil side who loves sugar and fat more than life. She was in charge of all food decisions between say 1985 and July 2006. I am in charge now, but that snot keeps peeking back in every time there is an opening. Thursday and Friday the opening was about the size of Grimes, so she rolled right in.

She stuck around for Friday too. Both days were sugar and fat laden, it was disgusting and unpretty and by the end of the night Friday, I was not liking myself very much.

Saturday morning I got up and found that the later part of the week had really left a bad imprint on my body. The scale informed me I had gained back all of the weight I lost during my stomach bug and a half pound more, just for good measure.

The stress eating was only made worse by my schedule being horrible and my workouts, for the first time in a long time, paying the price. Thursday I was able to cram in 30 minutes. Friday - nothing. Saturday - nothing.

Today, I got a surprise and again have to cover for someone at work, which I am doing right now. It's only for another hour and a half or so and then I am GOING TO THE GYM. I am going to do at least an hour and a half and use that to reset my body.

I reset the food situation yesterday - despite helping run a convention - I packed a bag of non-perishable edibles and took it with me. So, as everyone else was cramming down BBQ sandwiches, chips and brownies, I was eating carrots, an apple and banana and directing them to find that fatty meal. I'd feel bad about that, but when you have 1200 people to feed, you let the caterer have some latitude. :)

The convention did run long yesterday, so I ran into a food deficit. But my friend Dave, whom I adore, bought me another banana to get me through. Next time I will know better and pack more than I think I need.

So, there it is, confession of a 'bad' girl who caved to Luci late in the week. The nice thing is, I am way past saying "Well, I failed, I guess I should just give up". Instead I know, it's time to get back on track and move on.

I know this rambled a bit, but sometimes honesty flows messily.

Have a great week!

Yours in health, Kate

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