Sunday, January 27, 2008

Just Dessert

I believe in rewards along the way to keep you motivated. I have rewarded myself with things from the first 5 pounds I lost to not gaining any weight this Christmas. I stress to everyone that these rewards should be things - new running shorts, new mp3s, a new magazine, etc.

But tonight, I rewarded myself with dessert.

I have said before, dessert is o.k., in moderation. Never deny yourself anything, or you will end up binging. Instead take a bite or two, savor it and be satisfied. I stand by that.

Tonight though, I ate the whole thing. That's right, I went to Azalea for the first time and we simply went for dessert. I had eaten healthfully throughout the day, watched my calories and then went for it at Azalea.

I enjoyed it too much, because it was too good. But now that moment is over and I won't be putting anything made with nothing but cream, chocolate and sugar in my body again for sometime. It was a fun moment though, to simply be bad.

So go for it once in a while - be bad. Just remember where you are in the morning - on the road to better health.

Yours in health, Kate

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