Friday, January 25, 2008

Laughter works the abs

I did my hour and a half at Fitness World West today. (Including some killer cardio.) Then it was home to shower and get ready to go to a show.

Now, I readily admit I do not get enough sleep, so when I received the invitation to see the preview of "Jerry Springer: The Opera" last night, I hesitated. But Lori has had a hard week and needed a laugh. So, since it was going into Friday, what the heck, I went.

WARNING: If oh, just about anything offends you - do NOT go to this show.

On the other hand, if you want to have a rollicking, outrageous and fascinating trip through the sick little world of Jerry Springer in a sometimes filthy, but always funny show - this is for you. Seriously, if you offend, don't go. But if you want to laugh, sing and just generally have a blast (while hearing some great singing) then get your tickets now - it's selling fast.

It's being produced by Stage West at the Stoner Theatre at the Civic Center. Find out more here.

By the way, not only do you feel a proper laugh in your abs, it does help burn calories. From the results of a European study: "The researchers discovered that laughing increased both heart rate and calorie expenditure by up to 20 per cent – and the longer participants laughed the greater the effects.

Using the results, the scientists then went on to calculate that just 15 minutes of laughter a day will burn 10 to 40 calories, depending on a person’s weight and the intensity of the laughter. That’s enough to shift between 1 and 4lb a year."

So, there you go - laugh your butt off.

Yours in health, Kate

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